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The legend has it that Pingyao Ancient City Wall was originally constructed 2700 years ago. In the 3 rd year (1370) of Hongwu in the Ming Dynasty, the original city of Pingyao was expanded and reconstructed to the ancient city of Pingyao in stock. Horizontally seen, the Ancient City Wall, 6.4km around, is square-shaped. On the east, west, and north of the city, the walls are built straight. Only on the south, the meandering wall is built along the Zhongdu River. It’s said that the city was built as a place of interest on the basis of the turtle that was playing with water in front of it and of the mountains and water which face the sun. The City Ancient City Wall is about 10 meters high and 3-6 meters wide on top. On the southeast corner of the city wall are constructed one astronomy tower and one loft for Wenchang, a god in charge of culture in Taoism. On the eastern city wall is the General Dispatching Platform. The 3000 crenels and 72 watch towers on the walls symbolize, respectively, the 3000 disciples of Confucius and 72 saints.

The Ancient City Wall reveals the typical features of the ancient cities in North China in the Ming and Qing Dynasties and has rich cultural connotation of Confucianism through combination of the defending works with the cultural function. It is an important part of Pingyao Ancient City, the World cultural Heritage.

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